General FAQ

What is the KMU Learning Path?

Most KensieMae University courses are self-paced, allowing students to learn online at their own rate. We also offer live, remote custom training opportunities designed for a client’s specific use of Encompass®.

All self-paced KensieMae University user training courses include:

  • A tested curriculum designed to help you succeed in the real-world situations you face in your job every day.

  • Recorded video lessons to walk you through the intricacies of the configurations and settings in your software.

  • Tests and/or assignments for each course.

  • Access to the course materials on our online learning platform after your course is completed.

  • The ability to learn on any internet-enabled device at your own speed, including iOS and Android apps.

  • Encouragement and support via email from your support team and instructors.

Admin certification courses include everything above, plus:

  • Access to a private community on for additional questions and peer-to-peer engagement.

How does my company & users register for the training?

  • Simply reach out through the “contact” page. A team member will answer your questions and help you register for the courses.

  • KMU will provide you with a unique ‘group key.’

  • Email this group key to your staff and they can self-register, so you do not need to be directly involved!

Is there any reporting for the company on user progress/status?

  • Absolutely. We’ll ask you to provide who from your team should have that access, and they will be set up as group managers. This will give them the ability to view the student list, course status, and final exam results. All this information is exportable into Excel as needed.

  • There is no limit to the number of managers that you can have. Manager accounts do not count toward seats. Seats are specific to the course enrollment.


Loan Officer User Training FAQ

Who should take this course?

Anyone who has the position of loan officer/originator and is using Encompass®.

What’s in it for the Loan Officer/Originator?

Becoming proficient in using Encompass allows the loan officer/originator more time to focus more on their business and offer a better customer service experience.

What’s in it for the Management?

Less time spent turning in higher quality loans into processing is just one of the benefits of having a proficiently trained loan officer/originator using Encompass. Having a sales team with more time to focus on opportunities is another. This training has shown an immediate impact versus no training at all.


Admin certification FAQ

What’s the primary benefit of a KMU CERTIFIcation?

The primary benefit of a KMU certification is being able to hang with the “cool” kids at the lunch table. Seriously, the KMU certifications are widely recognized by the industry as THE bar of expertise and achievement.

  • The ability to improve your company’s efficiencies and ROI. Do your job faster and build a system to originate, process and close loans more efficiently.

  • Sharpen your skills, discover new techniques, methods, approaches, best practices, and how-to's from the leaders in the industry.

  • Bring more value and indispensability to your current employer.


The KMU admin certification lasts for two years.


Contact us here to discuss renewing your certification if you completed the certification more than two years ago. For a fee, you will receive access to the course in our learning management system to refresh your knowledge and the ability to retake the certification exam when you are ready. In addition, you’ll be able to network with other KMU students via the KMU community in LendingHUB, and you can join a weekly group call with an instructor.


URLA User Training FAQ

How long is the training and what is included?

  • The total course time is about 90 minutes.

  • Each unit (module) is 3-8 minutes long and the unit video can be started and stopped as needed.

  • Your company will have a unique KMU login site with your company’s logo/branding.

  • Each student will be required to take a final exam. To pass, eight out of 10 questions must be correct. The student may take the exam up to three times.

  • Each of your team will have downloadable resources when they complete the training. These include:

    • Sample forms for the 2020 1003.

    • A URLA ‘Cheat Sheet’ (PDF and Excel versions of the KMU Field Guide).

How long do users have access to the training?

  • 30 days (or more). If your team has other KMU courses or certifications they are enrolled in, they will always have access to the URLA course content, for as long as they are enrolled in any KMU course. If this is their only course, then their access will expire in 30 days.